My Continence Check Tool

Routines are important, especially when you are catheterizing on a frequent basis. The My Continence Check is a simple tool that only takes around 2 minutes to complete, and will help highlight any areas of your current routine that may be causing issues.

By letting us know how you are coping with your situation today, we will be able to tailor the content and support we provide to you to meet your specific needs – we promise to do our best to solve the issue at hand!

My Continence Check – stay always on top of your catheter routines and your health

The My Continence Check tool was designed to support you as a catheter user in staying on track with your routines, and to highlight the areas that may require your attention. Whether you’re new or experienced catheter user, it’s beneficial to monitor if you’re in control of your habits.

By answering the questionnaire, you will:

  • allow yourself to identify and react to any irregular symptoms related to your bladder management situation
  • be able to track how you are dealing with a regular catheter usage to find possible areas for improvement
  • be offered the personalized knowledge and support you might currently need through the recommended articles and user stories
  • contribute to create industry knowledge about bladder management.

How often do you use intermittent catheters?

Please inform us about your routine so that we can tailor the questions to fit your situation.

How many times a day do you currently catheterize?

Sticking to your routine is important to maintain a healthy bladder.

Please consider your current status.

Do you feel you have control of your bladder situation?

Feeling in control of your daily routine is not always easy, yet with the right knowledge and habits in place this is achievable.

How confident do you currently feel in all your daily routines related to catheterizing?

I do not feel confident

in my daily catheterization routine at all

I feel confident

in my daily catheterization routine

Have you experienced a big difference in your urine output that is not due to well-known reasons?

A change could indicate an underlying problem with your bladder.
Click on the statement that fits your current situation.

In the last week when I catheterized...

Several symptoms could indicate that something is irregular when passing urine.

It is important that you react on any irregularities. You can select one or more issues below.

In the last week, when I pass urine I have noticed...

In the last 3 months I have had symptoms of a urinary tract infection

e.g. fever, increased incontinence, burning pain, etc.

The amount of occasions where these symptoms required treatment with antibiotics

Please consider occasions where a healthcare professional prescribed the antibiotics

How are you feeling right now?

It doesn’t matter if it is related to your daily intermittent catheterization routine or how you are feeling in general. It is important that your condition does not affect your overall quality of life.

I am having a difficult time

I feel great

Do you feel confident to live the life you want?

Your bladder situation should not prevent you from doing the things you enjoy or take on new
challenges in life.

How confident do you currently feel when it comes to taking on a new challenge in life?

I am not confident I can take on new challenges in life at all

I am confident I can take on new challenges in life

Please fill out the form

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