talk about intimacy

Talk about it!

Intimacy is important in a relationship – find a way of being together that is comfortable and pleasurable to both of you.

Talk about your worries

Sex begins in your mind. A positive self-image is the first step to be able to enjoy sex. To feel that you are desirable even if your body has changed or the way you can have sex is different. Another important factor is openness towards your partner. Talking about your worries and allowing your partner to share his or her thoughts as well can help you relax when you’re together. Show or tell him or her what you like and don’t like.

The willingness to experiment makes you think less about what you can’t do and might even spice up your sex life.

People cope with their bladder issues when it comes to sex in different ways including:

  • Laughing about it
  • Having sex in the shower 
  • Connecting intimately in other ways like massage
  • Padding the bed with sheets
  • Avoiding sex
Sex response in population

Did you know?

In the general population, sexual response is different for men and women:

Women’s motivations for having sex are usually related to attraction, pleasure, affection, love, emotional closeness and reproduction.

Men more often have sexual fantasies and thoughts about sex. Men also feel the urge to have sex more often than women. With ageing, the difference in sexual response between women and men becomes less obvious.

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