tips for exercising with bladder problems

3 tips for making exercise a success

Ready, steady go! Some tips to make it easier to be active.

Stick to your schedule

It’s easy to get carried away when you’re involved in sports activities – especially when you’re almost about to win or in good company! Set yourself a reminder so you don’t forget to do intermittent catheterisation. Think about where you’ll be doing your activity and plan when you can visit the bathroom so it doesn’t get in the way.

Catheterise before the activity

Whatever you decide to do, catheterise right before you start, as this will minimise the risk of leakages.

Remember to drink

Bladder issues and the insecurity of not being at home might persuade you to drink less. But if you sweat more or the weather is hot, you will need to drink even more to replace lost fluids. Take small sips and plan your catheterisations.

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