having the stoma has not altered Norman's life

Norman: Having the stoma has not altered the way I live my life

“As far as I am concerned the secret is to establish a routine around changing your bag”

Norman is 80+ years young, from Devon and has been an ostomate for over 12 years

I can honestly say that having the stoma has not altered the way I live my life

I am a keen athlete and have been an ostomate since November 2005, as far as I am concerned the secret is to establish a routine around changing your bag.

Sports & Exercise

I was told by surgeon to take it easy for 6 months, during that time I swiftly developed a routine for dealing with the stoma. After just 6 months and 2 weeks I could return to my hobby of athletics and I even entered a competition in Jersey where I competed in the Shot Put and Discus. Whilst competing, I wear a body belt over the stoma pouch which I find helps with support. I’ve carried on with my athletics well into my 80's winning three medals at National level along the way. I only retired from it when we moved to Devon in 2015.


My wife and I have been travelling on Cruise ships since 1994 and have not changed our travelling since the stoma. We let the cabin steward know at the start that I have a waterproof and draw sheet on the bed and they always look after me.


We have met people where the wife sees herself as the husband’s carer. This should never be the case, the stoma care is a shared experience and is all part of being together and sharing life with your partner - whatever it may bring.

I’ve also found it is important to let children know about the stoma so that they understand not to climb all over you. I showed my grandchildren the stoma bag right from the start. One of the younger ones came up to me later and said "Grandad are you still peeing into the plastic bag" I said yes, he replied "What does your willy do then?", "Not a Lot" I replied…

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