You may worry that you will be seen as different because of your stoma, and may quite naturally feel uncomfortable talking about it.
However, in most cases, your friends and family will just be feeling concerned about you and are interested to hear how you are feeling.
Sharing your story with those who care for you and allowing them to help, will make things much easier on yourself. Most people will be happy to give you help and will only feel pleased that they can support you.
You will find a new routine
Initially you may feel strange and awkward. however, before you know it, you will have incorporated your routines completely into your everyday life and, importantly, will be back doing everything you did before surgery.
So in the early days, try to allow people the chance to support you - you may well be able to return the favour in the future.
Remember: It’s new to them as well
They don't teach how to act around someone with a stoma in school, so try to recognise that it is a new situation for your friends and family as well.
They are looking for ways to help you, but are probably struggling to figure out where the boundaries are, how many questions they are 'allowed' to ask – and how.
Talk to others who share your experience
While many find comfort in talking to their family or close friends, it can also be tremendously helpful to talk to someone with similar experiences about life with an ostomy. Ask your stoma care nurse if it might be possible to put you in contact with others in your situation.