should I tell about bladder issues

Should I tell about it?

Sharing personal details is not easy – but it might make life easier for you.

Tatiana: It helps that I have friends and family know that I catheterise - they won’t rush me when I’m in the restroom and if I get an infection or am struggling, they understand and empathise, and they know how to support me.

We all have individual barriers when it comes to sharing intimate details. However, it might be a good idea not to keep your problems and needs to yourself.

If you’re a very private person, you may not want to share the information with anyone except your spouse or partner. But, if you’re an open person, telling family and friends can be a healthy way for you to cope with the changes in your life. It might even be a relief for you to be open about it. Also, friends and family who know about your need to schedule bathroom breaks – and sometimes longer breaks – might be more understanding, supportive and helpful when you’re together. 

how much should I tell about my incontinence

Identify a buddy

If you are very concerned about going out, you might consider if there is someone present at the event that you trust enough to tell him or her about your situation. Then you can be at ease with the knowledge that this person can back you up if you need the driver to make an extra stop on the road or to get things for you that you urgently need.

How much do I tell?

It is not always necessary to explain all the physical details to someone you are not very close to. It is enough to say that you have a condition where you need frequent or planned bathroom visits or whatever is the case for you. Maybe you also want to show the ‘smart kit’ you have packed for extra safety (not its content), so they know what it looks like in case you urgently need it.

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