Coloplast® Care Live!

Support Group Webinar series to hear inspiring stories, product and lifestyle advice, from other ostomates and the Coloplast® Care advising team. On-demand recordings are available below!

Be Inspired by others with similar situations
Feel empowered in your journey to learn more about your condition
Help others by sharing within the ostomy community
Gain confidence by hearing from others with similar experiences
Stay connected!

Coping with a new ostomy presented by Coloplast® Care Live!
Michael Gerald will share his story, as well as his advice, about adjusting to a new ostomy and creating a mindset of acceptance. Michael will also use his experience as a licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (CMHC-Utah), Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), and professor to explain common responses to living with a chronic illness or disability and delve into specifics around the adjustment to living with an ostomy.

Finding your fit – Creating Connections within the Ostomy Community
Hear from our panelists of ostomy related associations and find a community that fits your needs. Panelists will describe their organization and how you can get connected for support, get involved in events, and utilize their resources.

Guide to recovery through activity - a gradual approach for ostomates
Discussion on physical recovery through activity. Hear how two ostomates learned from their own recovery and are now helping others. Charlotte and Joel will both share their ostomy journeys and give tips on how to incorporate exercise in your life.

Click here to view upcoming webinars and register in advance for Coloplast Care Live!

Information from Coloplast Care is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be interpreted to contain treatment recommendations. You should rely on the healthcare professional who knows your individual history for personal medical advice and diagnosis.
Call your healthcare provider if you have any medical concerns about [managing your ostomy]. You may also contact your Coloplast Consumer Care Advisor for product usage and availability questions at 1-877-858-2656.
All speakers have been compensated for their participation in these presentations.

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