selecting ostomy appliance for children

Selecting the right appliance

Finding a secure fit for your little one can seem like a big challenge. We guide you in choosing the ostomy products to suit your child best at the different stages in life.

Finding the best solution

All children have different body shapes and therefore different needs. Ostomy systems are therefore available in different styles and sizes, to give your child optimal discretion and the freedom to move around. There are one-piece and two-piece ostomy systems and your child’s Ostomy Care nurse or Paediatric nurse can help you find the best one for your child:

0-6 month: Babies

SenSura Mio Baby is designed to ease your daily practice. The two-piece system is designed with a refeeding window for easy facilitation of refeeding and access to the stoma to lessen disturbance of your baby.

2-piece system for children with ostomy

Two-piece system
A two-piece ostomy system has a separate pouch and baseplate that attach to each other.

ostomy baseplate for children

A baseplate designed to fit children’s body shape and small, round bellies.

6 month - 4 years: Kids

Sensura Mio Kids are designed specially for kids aged 6 months to 4 years. The range includes both one-piece systems and two-piece systems solutions, which both offer a variety of open pouches or urostomy pouches:

one-piece ostomy system for kids

One-piece system:
A one-piece ostomy system specially designed for kids aged 6 months to 4 years, where the pouch and baseplate come as a single unit.

two-piece ostomy system for kids

Two-piece system:
A two-piece ostomy system specially designed for kids aged 6 months to 4 years, which has a separate pouch and baseplate that attach to each other.

open ostomy pouch for kids

Open pouch:
A pouch with an integrated hide-away outlet that can be securely folded away under the soft cover.

urostomy pouch for kids

Urostomy pouch:
A drainable pouch that works well with urostomies or very liquid stool. The pouch can be connected to a drainage bag overnight to manage large amounts of urine or stool.

ostomy baseplate for children

A baseplate designed to fit children’s body shape and small, round bellies while allowing kids the freedom to move around.

4+ years: Older kids

From the age of 4, the SenSura Mio range for adults offer a wide range of solutions. There is a variety of pouches available to suit every kind of stoma and body shape.

The right solution will change over time

What fits your child today, may not fit tomorrow. Just as children can outgrow their clothing, they can also outgrow their ostomy system. It is important that the ostomy system keeps up with the ostomy size and body size of your child’s, as well as the amount of stool coming from the ostomy. Remember that as your child gains weight and grows, the type of ostomy system used may need to be changed. It is therefore a good idea to measure the diameter of the ostomy frequently to ensure the best fit.

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