What to do when problems occur when away from home

What to do when problems occur when away from home

How to approach problems when you are not in the comfort of your home

If you plan well before going out, changing your pouch shouldn't cause you any more inconvenience than it does at home. However, unexpected situations do occur. How should you handle those?

What to do when problems occur when away from home

Problems with your ostomy appliance?

If you have a problem with your product, you can call our Coloplast® Care team directly. They have a lot of experience with dealing with a myriad of different situations, and can probably help you with some calming advice.

If leakage happens ...

There's no way around it: If leakage does happen when in a public setting, it is an inconvenient situation. But you can take some of the stress out of the situation by preparing yourself already now: What will you say, if the situation comes up? Knowing what to tell a waiter in a restaurant can reduce your panic greatly. Simply explain that you have had a medical emergency and need access to the toilet, and perhaps towels, plastic bags or whatever you might need.

There is no need to explain details – in most cases the words "medical emergency" is enough to get the immediate assistance you need.

Have a friend on 'speed dial'

It can be extremely supportive to have a friend, or a relative, that knows about your ostomy, on call in case something unexpected happens.

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