CPOC_SMio_Concave_Launch_Rachel Jury_Lifestyle _005_00223

3 tips for swimming

Swimming is good exercise that is also gentle on the body. Therefore your stoma should not discourage you from swimming. Here are 3 tips before you get into the water.

  1. Do a thorough check to make sure that the adhesive is properly in place. Be aware that the water can affect the adhesive, so it can be necessary to change the bag more frequently.
  2. Some users of stoma products find it useful to apply other accessory products before getting into the water. It could be a barrier spray that gets the adhesive to stick or an elastic tape that prevents the adhesive’s outer edges from becoming loose. A belt that holds the stoma appliance in place is also a possibility.
  3. Try on as much swimwear as possible before you buy it. Although you can buy special products like bathing suits for users of stoma products, there is no guarantee that they will have the right fit. Whether, and how much, the swimwear should hide the stoma products is completely up to you.
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