Why exercise is important

Why exercise is important

An active lifestyle is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, and here's the good news: Everything counts!

Exercising makes your everyday life less troublesome. Especially in the months after your surgery, where it can really help speed up the recovery, as the physical activity gives you more energy and makes you stronger and better equipped to cope with illnesses.

Furthermore, exercise can prevent complications that may otherwise occur from sitting or lying down too long.

Sean, living with an ileostomy: It’s really important for me to stay active and to exercise and I had a lot of physical goals to reach after my surgery. I wanted to get back to surfing, running and to functioning normally, as my life was before I had the surgery. So I was extremely motivated to exercise.

Being fit can make your solution fit even better

A great side effect of exercising – and for many people the main reason for exercise in the first place – is weight-loss or weight-maintenance. Depending on the shape of your ostomy a firmer, flatter abdomen could make it easier to get a tight fit from your ostomy appliance, thereby minimizing leakage risks.

So by exercising and losing weight there is a good chance you can reduce some of the problems you might have otherwise had.

Exercise will boost your confidence

Exercise will boost your confidence

As you start exercising, you will feel an almost immediately boost in your awareness of yourself. Exercising makes you feel better about yourself in ways that go far beyond looks and physique.

This appreciation is really good for building self-confidence and could help give you the energy and courage to really get back to the way you lived before your surgery.

How exercise can help stress

An active lifestyle means stronger heart, a better blood circulation, better lung functions and healthier skin among other things.

It can also help boost your confidence and give you more energy overall. This can help against any stress you might feel after your operation.

If you are not used to exercise

It doesn't matter if you didn't do much exercise before; you can just as well get started now as you could before your operation. The simple rule is: Take it easy, start out slowly and built up gradually. You may start out with a daily walk to the end of the block.

Things to be aware of

Before exercising be sure to empty your pouch for greater freedom of movement and a reduced risk of leakage. And make sure you drink plenty of fluids before, during and after exercise.

Until your ostomy and abdominal area are fully healed, strenuous activities can put you at risk for a hernia. Therefore you should avoid any kind of heavy lifting for the first six to eight weeks after your surgery.

Later on there are nearly no limits to what you can do, as long as you take the right precautions. But you should always ask your doctor or ostomy care nurse to give the green light, before you start exercising.

This website includes general guidelines. Always follow the instructions by your healthcare provider.

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