Get free games to help motivate your child

Games to make Peristeen® Plus more fun

To help motivate and encourage your child, it can be a good idea to make Peristeen Plus a more fun experience using games and activities. Get them here.

Bodies are different, and bowels can take time to adapt to a new treatment. For those reasons, some children and families might find it more difficult adjusting to Peristeen Plus than others. But persistence pays off. To help motivate and encourage your child, it can be a good idea to make Peristeen Plus a more fun experience using games and activities.


The Poo Game is a set of cards that can be used by you or the parents of your patients to teach children how to empty their bowels using Peristeen Plus. The cards can be used to play different fun games that can be adapted to suit age and skills. Simply print the cards, cut them out and you’re ready to play.
A simple card game that teaches your child how Peristeen Plus works while helping to make toilet-time more fun. It’s simple to use and as your child gets the hang of it, it’s easy to make it more challenging.


Children love being rewarded for doing well and this game does just that to help motivate them to use Peristeen Plus from day one.
Filling in the Star Chart is a fun way to inspire your child to stick to their Peristeen Plus routine. Decide in advance
with your child what it takes for them to earn a star – for smaller children it could be as simple as co-operating during the process, while bigger kids might earn a star when they take a more active role in the procedure – perhaps putting the parts together, or doing the whole irrigation themselves.


Another way to encourage your kid to use the new treatment could be to let them personalise their Peristeen Plus and Star Chart. Your child can use these fun stickers to decorate their Peristeen Plus device or place the stickers on the Peristeen Plus water bag and on the Star Chart. This gives them a sense of ownership and accomplishment after every irrigation.
Have fun!


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