Your personal resources

Are you experiencing any issues? Or are you in need of a Travel Certificate for your next holiday? We have gathered a range of useful resources to support your care – see below:

download a travel certificate

Download a Travel Certificate

This helpful document explains your condition, the medical supplies you are carrying and why you might need support and privacy as you go through security.

It is not only the Travel Certificate that might be useful while you are travelling. If you would like to have the contact details of our offices, this list is right for you!

download bowel diary

Keep your bowel diary

Finding a personal routine, which fits into your daily life, is an important part of coming to terms with your bowel problem and regaining control of when you empty your bowel.

Keeping a bowel diary can therefore be a great way to record your bowel movements and build a personalised routine.

You should also note the shape and consistency of your stool. This is important to see how things are improving. Find the number that resembles your bowel movements in the Bristol Scale most closely and record how you get on each time you go to the toilet in your diary.

download bowel diary

Pack smart with packing list

It is important to pack all the accessories you use in your everyday life with Peristeen Plus. It can be helpful to use a packing list so you remember your Peristeen Plus kit, enough catheters, and any other items you might need.

We've created one for you including must-haves, what to bring for a holiday by the beach, in the city or maybe outdoors, supplies, personal items and hygiene, clothing & accessories, gadgets, etc.

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