Diet tips for Peristeen® users

Diet tips from people using TAI

What to eat? When to eat? It can be difficult to build and maintain a healthy bowel. Meet some of our users and get personal tips on how they keep the bowel working well.

Sarah, 28
What is good food or a good diet for you?

“You have to be careful what you eat in terms of your GI tract. I keep a pretty healthy lifestyle. I do have a really big sweet tooth, but I really kind of flipped the switch. Before I would indulge probably more than I should have, but in the past two months we've kind of flipped it around and we eat in more in moderation. That's actually showing me that what I'm eating is making a difference and I don't know the right way to put it, but it's making a difference and my body's processing things differently because I'm eating more naturally.”

What is your best advice?

“Look at what you’re eating and see how that's impacting your body, I never really did a very good job of keeping track of that stuff, but I wish I had.”

Tara, 51
What is good food or a good diet for you?

“Eating at the same time every day, eating what's good for me. Not too much. Hardly any bread. My five-a-day for fruit and veg.”

“I'm better now at picking the right foods. It's taken me years to realize kiwi fruit was a trigger for me. Don't know what it does, but it just burns and irritates, so I just don't eat it. I avoid white rice, pasta, bread, I limit myself. It just clogs, and if I have too much processed bread, it’s a nightmare. Brown rice is also worse than white for me. I regularly eat chicken and fish, but I don't eat a lot of red meat, and I can tell when I've eaten red meat because it takes ages to work through.”

What is your best advice?

“I would recommend anybody new to Peristeen® keep a food diary. A, what you're putting in your mouth, and B, when it comes out. Hopefully that can help you know what foods irritate you. Hopefully that can help build a routine of what foods cause irritation.”

David, 70
What is good food or a good diet for you?

“We try to eat properly and pretty well. I’m being very careful about what types of foods create gas. There are certain green vegetables that create that gas; I avoid them."

What is your best advice?

“I think with people that are in my situation, routine is key. Your body needs to have the routine. I normally have my bowel movements the same time every day. I eat pretty much the same time every day and, you know, you may work late and et cetera.”

Becky, 42
What is good food or a good diet for you?

“The biggest thing for me is water. I don't eat a huge variety of food, because it helps me a little bit with predictability, when I know how I react. I am not a huge fan of vegetables, but vegetables are key, so I eat the ones that doesn’t give me gas. I avoid broccoli, as it gives me gas. I don't eat a lot of grease and. I stay away from a lot of fried foods.”

Best advice:

“I'm a creature of habit, so I stick with routines and that works well for me. Also, watch what you're eating, so you know what foods irritate you.”

Bob, 57
What is good food or a good diet for you?

“I think part of it's being an athlete is knowing my body and knowing what foods do what. I know certain foods really slow processing down for me, such as bananas, and rice, and apples. I just happen to lean towards healthier foods, for the most part. I really got way into the veggies, and salads, and stuff that's not only better for you, but it's going to move through you quicker. I'm able to eat all that. I'm able to enjoy the foods I like. And then I manage how much I drink.”

Best advice:

“Each time a wave comes out, I'll just check in the toilet, what came out. Then I log mentally, what have I been eating this week? How much came out? I just note that kinda thing, and then I'll flush.”

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