Dealing with key issues

Three key issues you may be facing as you learn the ropes.

Are you having a few teething problems with Peristeen® Plus? Don’t worry, it’s completely normal – you’ll get there. We understand that the Peristeen Plus system can be tricky to use at first, but with a little patience and a solid routine, you’ll soon master your method. Though some trial and error is necessary right now, the long-term benefits and improvements to your everyday life will make your persistence worthwhile in the end. Here are three key issues you may be facing as you learn the ropes:

Not enough air – or too much?

If you don’t pump enough air into the Peristeen Plus balloon, the catheter could slide out or there may be a little leak. Or if you accidentally over-inflate, it’s best to let the air out and start again – it has happened that the balloons burst under too much pressure, so taking extra care when inflating the balloon is important.
Always follow your healthcare professional’s recommendation for maximum number of pumps to inflate the balloon. Use 1-3 pumps and maximum of 4 for a regular catheter and 1 for the small catheter with a maximum of two pumps. If you don’t pump enough air into the Peristeen Plus balloon, the catheter could slide out or there may be a little leak. Consult your HCP to discuss a change if the agreed number of pumps is insufficient. One pump is defined as squeezing the bulb until the internal walls touch and releasing.

Water worries?

Before starting Peristeen Plus, you should have received a recommended amount of water needed for irrigation from your healthcare provider.
The effective amount of water needed for irrigation varies from person to person. It’s best to ask your healthcare provider if you’re struggling to get it right, but as a rule of thumb, the amount of water needed is usually 300-1000 ml. For children, please consult your healthcare professional.
If you ever experience any leakages after the Peristeen Plus process, try waiting a little longer on the toilet, or ask your doctor or nurse who can advice you on how to improve your results by adjusting water volumes.

Are you sitting comfortably?

There is no right or wrong way to sit on the toilet. The most important thing is that you find the position which makes it as easy as possible for you to insert the catheter and allows you to stay on the toilet for as long as it takes to carry out your Peristeen Plus procedure. However, posture can affect your body and make it easier to empty your bowels. Read more here (link to ‘toilet position’ article).

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