Discover local support groups

Get to know other TAI users in your area and reach out to local support groups today.

At times, living with bowel dysfunction can be an isolating experience. But it doesn’t need to be. There are many local support groups in your area that may be able to support you in your daily life. Check out what is available in Canada.

  • SCI (Spinal Cord Injury) Canada
  • Hydrocephalus Canada

What can a TAI support group do for me?

Talking with someone who has gone through the same kind of experience as you, or faces the same challenges in their daily life can be reassuring. Those who attend support groups often find they learn new techniques to overcoming both mental and physical challenges and it can be a rewarding experience!

This may even lead to a better understanding of yourself. When you are discharged with TAI, you may feel a little lost – especially while you are getting used to your new daily routine. In addition to seeking guidance from your healthcare provider and Coloplast Care Advisor, attending a TAI support group on a regular basis can help you better understand yourself and allow you to process the changes in your life.

Moreover, you can also share your successes with others who may benefit from hearing about your experiences.



This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be interpreted to contain treatment recommendations. Each person’s situation is unique and risks, outcomes, experience, and results may vary. Talk to your healthcare professional about what may be right for you. Prior to use, please refer to product ‘Instructions for Use’ for intended use and relevant safety information.
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