Changing and emptying your colostomy pouch

Changing and emptying your colostomy pouch

How often does the pouch need changing? Is it difficult?

It will be very helpful to establish a routine for changing your pouch. If you are wearing a drainable pouch, you will typically change your pouching system at least twice a week. If you choose to wear a closed-end pouch, you will change each time your stoma has been active.

Output from a colostomy is not too different from a normal bowel movements. The output is generally solid, and you may need to empty after each bowel movement.

SenSura Mio Convex instructions

Is changing or emptying the pouch difficult?

The first few times, it may seem difficult but it should get easier.

Take your time, it may take a few times before you get it right. Eventually, changing and emptying your pouch should become routine for you.


Information from Coloplast Care is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be interpreted to contain treatment recommendations. You should rely on the healthcare professional who knows your individual history for personal medical advice and diagnosis.


  • How to prepare the barrier

    The video will show you how to measure and cut your ostomy barrier.
    Note! This is an instructional video for using a 1-piece pouch. The procedure is the same if you use a 2-piece pouching.

  • How to apply a 1-piece pouching system

    See video on how to apply a 1-piece ostomy solution.
    Note! Remember to close the outlet of the pouch if you use an open pouch before application.

  • How to apply a 2-piece click pouching system

    See video on how to apply a 2-piece click ostomy solution.
    Note! Remember to close the outlet of the pouch before application if you use an open pouch.

  • How to apply a 2-piece adhesive coupling pouching system

    See video on how to apply a 2-piece adhesive ostomy solution.
    Note! Remember to close the outlet of the pouch before application if you use an open pouch.

  • How to empty a drainable pouch

    See video on how to empty a drainable ostomy pouch.

  • How to remove a 1-piece pouching system

    See video on how to remove a 1-piece ostomy solution.
    Note! Remember to empty the pouch by the outlet before removing it if you use an open pouch.

  • How to remove a 2-piece click pouching system

    See video on how to remove a 2-piece click ostomy solution.
    Note! Remember to empty the pouch by the outlet of the pouch before removing it if you use an open pouch.

  • How to remove a 2-piece adhesive coupling pouching system

    See video on how to remove a 2-piece adhesive ostomy solution.
    Note! Remember to empty the pouch by the outlet of the pouch before removing it if you use an open pouch.

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