Get practical support and advice to give your child the best chance of succeeding with Peristeen

Helping your child get the most from Peristeen® Plus

Get practical support and advice to help your child succeed on the journey to better bowel control.

Helping your child get the most from Peristeen Plus

Esther, Holland, Quint’s mother Quint, 12, was born with spina bifida and uses Peristeen: “With Quint, it helped that we made Peristeen something fun. We didn’t make it seem too serious and that helped put him at ease. By focusing on the positive aspects, we made him see that bowel management was a good thing for him.”

Quint is a Peristeen with balloon catheter user (who received compensation from Coloplast to provide this information). Quint has not used the new Peristeen® Plus Transanal Irrigation system

Learning how to empty their bowels is an important step in every child’s development. It helps them feel more confident and gives them freedom to participate in social activities like swimming or playing with friends.

Encouraging your child to participate in the process

If you have a young child, they will rely on you to empty their bowel until they learn to do it by themselves. Make sure that you get clear instructions on how to use Peristeen Plus from the doctor or nurse before using the system at home with your child. By considering the treatment a shared responsibility, you will build your familiarity with the product while helping your child build the basics. As soon as your child is old enough, encourage your child to participate in the procedure. This can help your child achieve independence sooner and grow in confidence when doing it themselves. Help your child increase their independence by helping by gradually showing how to use Peristeen Plus by themselves. Start with the simpler tasks like filling the water bag and then progress as they get older and more confident.

Make the process as fun as possible

Try turning the Peristeen Plus procedure into a game. For some children, it can be helpful to add some fun activities while waiting in the bathroom, such as toys, books, homework or even an iPad.

Reward them

Children love being rewarded for doing well. Just like when they work hard at school or behave themselves at home. Introduce a special rewards system to make Peristeen Plus process more fun, and help build it into the daily routine. For inspiration, see the free games and activities available for free from Coloplast® Care.

Focus on the goal

Remember to that the most important thing is that the child defecates. In the same way that glasses help a person see better, Peristeen Plus is simply a tool for helping someone empty their bowels more effectively. By focusing on the outcome, and not the means, you can help your child stay motivated.

Remember resistance is natural

It’s common for children to be intimidated by the treatment and to resist using it. You can overcome this by calmly explaining why it’s important they use it, and by showing how confident you are in the way Peristeen Plus works. If your child perceives that you believe in the product and have a full understanding of it, they will feel more reassured.

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