Socialising tips for Peristeen Plus users

Returning to work with TAI

It is only natural for bowel issues to interfere with your job – but they don’t have to. This article explores the world of work when living with bowel issues, as well as provides suggestions for how best to manage your irrigations when working.

Organising your return to work with your employer

It is important that you feel comfortable when returning to work if you have had time off. Together with your manager or HR representative, you may need to agree on changes to your daily work or your schedule as your bowel gets accustomed to your new TAI routine. In this discussion, you may agree on:

  • reduced hours
  • lighter duties
  • different duties

When agreeing on a plan, thought should also be given to how long this should be for, as well as employee compensation, including the possibility of sick pay.

Managing your irrigations around your work

Both high and low-volume TAI can support you throughout your working day. With using TAI, it is important that you maintain a good routine. It can be helpful to irrigate at a similar time each day and it is important that you stick to your prescribed frequency as this will help you to achieve optimal results.

Below is a summary of how best to manage both types of TAI when working.

Using Peristeen® Plus when working

Take a moment to consider where your high-volume TAI routine fits into your work life best. As a rough guide, it should take approximately 30 minutes to empty your bowel, plus some preparation and clean up time to complete your TAI routine. Make sure to factor this into your plans if you intend to irrigate in the mornings before heading to work.

It is often a good idea to perform an irrigation 20-30 minutes after having a meal – coupled together with the time it takes to complete your irrigation, you may find an evening irrigation best suits your lifestyle if working 9-5. High-volume TAI may help you remain continent for up to 2 days 1, so you may be able to irrigate the evening before work and still feel confident in your bowel the following day at the office.

Using Peristeen® Light when working

Peristeen Light is a solution that is designed to fit easily into everyday life. You may choose to use Peristeen Light before going to work or keep this TAI system with you throughout the day so you may irrigate as and when you need.

If prescribed by your healthcare professional, you may also use Peristeen Light to supplement your high-volume irrigations. For more information about how these two systems may be used, check out the article below:

Using high and low-volume TAI

If you have any concerns about your routine or are unsure how to manage TAI around your working life, reach out to your Coloplast Care Advisor on (phone) between (day, time) who will be happy to support you.

Practice your return to work with a ‘trial run’

If you have been absent from work due to your bowel issues, you may want to complete a trial run to get that peace of mind before you return as normal. Get up at the time you expect to be starting your day and complete your journey to and from your work. Complete your irrigation when you intend to do it and assess how you feel afterwards. This will help you to get a sense of how your TAI routine affected your day and whether it was placed at the right time.

Talking about TAI at work

Your colleagues will be thrilled to see you at work if you have had time off. They may ask about your bowel treatment. It is always entirely up to you if you wish to share this information with the people you interact with.

Hint – whenever your colleagues ask you about your bowel treatment you may want to focus on how TAI may have improved your quality of life and helped you with your confidence in coming back to work, rather than the technicalities of transanal irrigation. Never feel you have to explain details about your bowel issues or how you manage them your treatment. When and what you share is entirely up to you!

It may be a good idea, however, to have one colleague who knows a little more about your situation, just in case the unexpected happens. You will then have a supportive safety net who can discretely help if needed, and this may provide an extra layer of security when first returning to work.

Enjoying the social side of work as well!

Working life is not all work and no fun. TAI can enable people living with bowel dysfunction to feel confident when engaging in social activities. Once you are accustomed to working life again and are used to fitting your TAI routine into your day, be sure not to neglect the social side of your job.
If there are activities after work, or an upcoming social event, reflect on whether this is something you feel comfortable doing. If you would have previously jumped at the chance to join the social, try to once again give it a go. With the control that TAI can provide, you can afford to socialise after work without being worried about your bowel.

You can always do a quick sense check to decide if you will be comfortable in a given social situation. Think about who else will be there, where events will be held, and what facilities are nearby. If going out for drinks or eating out, also consider your meal and whether anything is likely to upset your stomach or bowel later.

Reflecting on these points will help you feel in control and best prepared for socialising with your colleagues. And don’t worry, whilst this may feel like a huge challenge at first, with time, you will be back to socialising like before and any additional considerations will become second nature.

  1. Christensen P, Bazzocchi G, Coggrave M, et al. A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Transanal Irrigation Versus Conservative Bowel Management in Spinal Cord-Injured Patients. Gastroenterology. 2006;131:738–747.
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