Read practical tips that can help you enjoy your time away from home

Travel and TAI

Going on holiday or just planning a weekend away from home? Get tips for traveling, packing and maintaining your TAI routine when away from home.

Exploring the world as a TAI user

It is still possible to travel as someone that uses transanal irrigation (TAI). Transanal irrigations can keep you continent for up to 2 days, allowing you to explore the world, confident in your bowel.
Travelling may take a little extra planning, however. You need to think not only about what to pack, but also how to maintain your TAI routine and complete your irrigations in an unfamiliar setting. This article sets out simple pointers on what to take with you, as well as considerations to ensure your TAI routine is unaffected as you take on the world.

Travelling with transanal irrigation equipment

Peristeen Plus is portable, compact and lightweight, meaning it can be taken easily packed into a suitcase or your hand luggage, depending on the size allowed by your airline. Just like everything else you pack, expect the unexpected and pack it with enough padding so it is not damaged in transit. You might also want to pack some extra catheters, just in case.

Travel Tips for TAI

Here are some of the key things to consider regarding your TAI routine when travelling the world!


How do I irrigate my bowel when I am abroad?

What you physically do in your TAI routine should be the same as what you would do when you are at home. One additional thing to consider is water quality. When using Peristeen Plus you should use bottled water in places where the tap water is not safe to drink. This avoids introducing any unwanted bacteria into your bowel. If you’re staying in a hotel, you may be able to ask that they provide bottled water for you in advance of your arrival.

You might also wish to take a little time to familiarise yourself with your hotel bathroom and think through some of the steps of your irrigation procedure. You could ask yourself, where on the floor does it make most sense to place the water bag? Is there a small table or surface I could use to place the control unit or catheter before I need them? Is there a bin within easy reach? Taking a moment to think about these practicalities beforehand can help to smooth the process.
You might also consider using our Peristeen Plus irrigation checklist, to make sure you have everything you need before getting started.

How do I maintain my TAI routine when I am abroad?

Whenever possible, you should try to adhere to your TAI routine as much as possible Often, travelling can be disruptive to peoples’ daily routines. You should bear this in mind, and it may be a good idea to plan in advance and work out when it makes the most sense to complete an irrigation.

Irrigations before long travels

Some people like to ensure they have completed an irrigation shortly before arriving at an airport and taking a long flight. This can provide an additional feeling of control over their bowel when in a place where toilet accessibility is a little more limited. You may wish to discuss additional precautions like this with a Coloplast Care advisor or your nurse or doctor.

What do I do about my diet when abroad when I regularly use TAI?

Whilst you are travelling, especially abroad, you may find there are changes to your diet. Where possible, try to maintain a balanced diet and stay hydrated.

If you do find that you are experiencing severe constipation whilst travelling, you may consider taking laxatives, but remember to discuss any changes in medication with your healthcare provider.

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