Why adherence to a TAI routine is important

Are you unsure of your TAI routine? Learn why this well-documented bowel emptying technique needs a clear routine and can help you manage your chronic or recurring bowel problems

The benefits of sticking to a TAI routine

If an individual with bowel dysfunction consistently empties their bowel using transanal irrigation (TAI) in line with their prescribed treatment, they are often able to re-establish control over their bowel function to a high degree. This can enable you to develop a consistent bowel routine in which you can choose the time and place of evacuation.
For those who experience faecal incontinence, efficient emptying of the colon and rectum with TAI means that new faeces do not reach the rectum for an average of 2 days, meaning that continence can be achieved for that period of time. Equally, those who live with severe constipation on a regular basis find that by routinely irrigating the bowel and evacuating stool helps to accelerate the transit of stool through the entire colon. These benefits are best achieved when TAI is used routinely.

If you are living with a bowel dysfunction, it may be likely that you have needed to use additional interventions to help manage your bowel, for example, abdominal massage, stretching and twisting, or digital rectal stimulation to help initiate a bowel movement. The need for these time consuming, and not always easy intervention strategies, may also gradually reduce as an effective TAI routine is established. You should always discuss changes to your treatment with your healthcare provider.

What can I do to make my TAI routine work for me?

It’s not always easy to stick to a TAI routine. It may take a little time before you find a reliable and effective routine that is right for you, and that is OK. Persevere, as in the long run, TAI can save you time with your bowel management routine compared to conservative methods.
Here are some tips to make sure your TAI routine can work for you!

Tip 1: Make sure you are using an irrigation checklist so you can check you have everything in order before you begin. Download our irrigation checklist. If your irrigation goes smoothly without any hiccups, you will be more motivated to do it again. It will then be easier to make your TAI routine a natural habit and you will be more likely to see the benefits!

Tip 2: Get used to doing your irrigation at a time that works best for you. On average it takes 30 minutes for emptying, plus some time for preparation and clean up, so choose a time of day where you will not be rushed. Again, sticking to the same time for each irrigation will help to make it easier to turn your TAI routine into a habit. As you gain experience with your routine, you will know better how long you need.

Tip 3: A good time to irrigate is 20-30 minutes after a meal. This is because you can then take advantage of the natural gastrocolic response that comes after eating – put simply your bowel is working harder at this time to move stool through your colon, so performing TAI at this time may see better results.

Tip 4: Reach out and talk to your doctor or nurse if you are having any difficulties. It may be that they can help you adjust your TAI routine so you see better results.

And don’t forget, our Care Advisors are also on hand to offer more practical advice and support around building a successful TAI routine. Reach out if you have any questions or concerns, it is what we are here for.

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