It's important to socialize

It's important to socialize

Don't let ostomy hold you back in your social life – enjoy life with friends and family.

Keagan, living with an ileostomy: Initially I was very isolated by living life with an ostomy. I think that my insecurities and much of that isolation was brought on by myself. I had wonderful support from my friends and my family, and I’ve always been a very social person. I think it was a matter of choice of whether I wanted to stay in a place of being alone, or if I wanted to take part in my life and include myself in activities with the ones that I loved. I’m glad that I made the choice to be an active participant in my life..

Don't let ostomy surgery keep you home

Though most things are easier in the comfort of home, it is really important to get back to living and enjoying all the things that you were doing before your surgery. That includes going out.

It's important to socialize

Will it be awkward?

It is only natural to be concerned about having to explain yourself to new people, But when meeting new people, remember that you do not owe them an explanation of your condition.

Have a short explanation ready

Sometimes, preparing a short and confident explanation will help put your mind at ease for the rest of the evening. For instance, you could simply explain briefly that you went through a serious illness, and because of that you had major surgery and now wear an ostomy pouch.

Avoid being too technical, and be open to questions - without over-sharing. Never feel you have to explain details of your surgery to everyone who asks.

What about family and friends?

Family and close friends are of course a little bit of a different matter. If you are open and honest with the people close to you, it can help you get back to the life you had before your ostomy surgery. It is completely normal if for a while after the surgery you still feel uncomfortable talking about it.

However, it is important to strengthen your circle of friends by letting people know when you feel ready to open up.

How to involve your partner

How to involve your partner

If you have a partner, it is good to have an open and honest discussion about how to go about socialising with friends and acquaintances. Involving your partner in how you explain your condition to others - if at all - will help both of you handle the situation more naturally.

If you disagree on the best approach, try to explain the reason why you prefer to say as you do. Understanding how you feel about it will help your partner support your decision.

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